Showing posts with label tea party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tea party. Show all posts

Thursday, September 26, 2013

2 Year Old Birthday Tea Party Theme

Below is a bunch of stuff I made for my 2 year old's birthday party. 

Tea Party Theme

Above is the cupcake tower topper.  

What I did:
Tea pot from the thrift store
Spray painted flat black
 Painted a 2 on it and put puffy paint polka dots 
 Hot glued the flower and ribbon to match the colors of the party 

Here is the cupcake tower. 

What I did:
Bought white cake bases from Michaels craft store and spray painted them flat black. 
Got a dollar store glass bowl, spray painted it flat black,  and hot glued it to the cake bases to create the different levels. 
Bought cupcakes and cake balls and then put flowers on toothpicks and stuck them in the cupcakes

Dum dum lollipop decoration. 

What I did:
Bought a flower pot
Spray painted it black 
Put a orange ribbon on it
Styrofoam ball stuffed with dum-dum lollipops 
Took 4 bags of lollipops to make it. 

Tea bar:

What I did:
Teapot wood pre cut from Michaels Craft Store. 
Spray painted it with chalkboard paint.  4 coats
Wrote T Bar on it. (my daughters name is Taylor) You can put Tea
Little boxes to hold tea bags. Michaels Craft store. 
Spray paint the little boxes flat black 

Personalized bubble wand gift. 

One of the favors for the party is a personalized bubble wand. 

What I did:
Thrift shop tea pot spray painted black holds them. 
The tags on the bubble wands is foam with a white paint for the letters.  I wanted them to look like mini chalk boards. Added the ribbons that match the colors of the party. 

More spray painted teapots with accents of the color of the party on them. 

The smallest teapot is holding the crayons for the coloring activity. 

What I did:
I used construction paper that matches the party and glued on the birthday cake for the kids to color them. 

Make a wand station. 

What I did:
Bought wands that match the party from the dollar store. 
Bought a bunch of stickers and rhinestones that are self adhesive. 
The kids loved sitting at the little table and sticking stuff on the wands. 

A bunch of frames spray painted to match the party. 

The top picture is of my daughters art work. 

Just random decorations around the house. 

Tea bag sugar cookies. 

I am no bakers... I just used a sugar cookie box to bake these. 

Watermelon teapot. 

I found instructions on how to do this online. 
I added blueberries later in the day, but forgot to get a new pic. 

Made her party hat out of scrap booking paper, ribbon and hot glue. 

#2 for the front door

What I did:
Cut out the shape from styrofoam 
Stuck the flowers in and put a dab of hot glue to make it stay. 
Hung with ribbon 

Pin the tea cup on the tea pot. 

What I did:
Painted this on a large brown paper bag. 
Cups are made out of foam and stuck on with reusable glue dots. 

I hope this give you lots of ideas for a great tea party. :)